
1 min read

Writen by Adam

Posted on: January 4, 2021

Don’t delete data to avoid sar

How to respond to a SAR.

If you receive a Subject Access Request, you need to respond promptly and fully. Some SARs are very annoying! If you use CCTV or phone call recording a SAR can result in a lot of effort but whatever you do not be tempted to delete this data just to avoid the time and effort in responding. You are allowed to follow your standard deletion policy, but you certainly must not delete data to avoid a full response. Rules about SAR replies are complicated so make sure you check your SAR policy or better still just call us for help. You can check the ICO guidance at: ICO SAR Guidance

If you need more convincing then take look at this example, a council worker was fined almost £2000 for deleting a phone recording. This is definitely a bad idea – IN COURT FOR DELETING DATA

Don’t forget that even if you don’t need to pay the ICO fee you will need to complete GDPR and abide by the rules. Our GDPR policies and procedures include a Subject Access Request policy and you can always call us for help. Take a look at our low-cost packs and subscriptions at: Low Cost GDPR

Good luck all.

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