
4 min read

Writen by Zlatko Delev

Posted on: January 25, 2023

GDPR Local

Consultancy Panel

GDPR Advice? Ask Our Experts

For one-off questions or ongoing, on-tap expertise, it’s good to have a GDPR Local data protection consultant on your side. Data protection specialist Zlatko Delev explains why.

Let’s suppose that you run a growing tech services company in the US and you’re about to ramp up marketing activity in mainland Europe and the UK. Customers buy from you via your website or app and, like every other website and app, they use cookies to deliver a better experience. 

You know about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in a broad sense, but you’re not sure about the detail. 

Perhaps you’re about to start processing significant amounts of customer data in the EU and UK but you don’t have a GDPR Article 27 EU or UK representative in those territories. 

Perhaps you thought you had your compliance issues resolved, but then Brexit happened and now you’re not sure whether the standards you’ve adopted for trading with the EU will still be valid in the UK (or vice versa).

That’s when a little (or a lot of) expert advice can be invaluable.

A trusted source of data compliance advice

It’s not just the US, EU and UK. Every territory has its own data protection rules. Many may be similar, but all will have slight differences that can be easy to fall foul of unless you have an expert guide who knows the way.

Introducing the GDPR Local Consultancy Panel

The GDPR Local Consultancy Panel is a trove not just of GDPR advice and expertise. It’s a hub for data protection experts in similar legislations internationally including SOC2 and HIPPA, the US compliance standards.

You choose your data consultant, then you decide how you’d like to work with them. It’s completely flexible so, as your needs change, you can change your consultant and the way you work with them. Typically, that will be in one of three ways:

The one-off question

You just need someone to check your data privacy policy. Or a cookie issue. Or an important but contained question about a data breach. Ad hoc consultancy may be all you need.

Find the best ad-hoc plan for you here

The UK/EU rep

You’re generally happy with the state of your compliance, but you need a GDPR Article 27 EU representative to enable you to handle the data of EU citizens (or a UK GDPR representative to do the same in the UK). Choose Your EU or UK rep from among our consultants and request their regular help whenever you need it. 

Find out more about our GDPR Article 27 EU & UK representatives

Ongoing GDPR support and consultancy

For established companies that boxed off their data compliance responsibilities years ago, the above two options may be all they need. But for businesses looking to grow beyond their borders for the first time, data compliance isn’t a ‘one-hit-and-done’ issue. It’s something that needs constant attention until it becomes an embedded part of business as usual.

That’s when the Compliance Hub can help. It gives dedicated support from a consultant who effectively becomes a part of your business, understanding the detail of what you do so they can tailor the advice they give.

Find the plan that’s right for you here 

Not sure exactly what you need? Ask Zlatko to recommend the level of data consultancy that’s right for you. Contact him here.

Contact Us

Hope you find this useful. If you need an EU Rep, have any GDPR questions, or have received a SAR or Regulator request and need help then please contact us anytime. We are always happy to help...
GDPR Local team.

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