
6 min read

Writen by Zlatko Delev

Posted on: July 21, 2023

GDPR Services for UK Businesses – What’s Included?

Compliance is just the beginning. With the right GDPR rep, there could be many more benefits to your GDPR services. Our team explains.

You’ve bought the latest piece of software to support your people’s day-to-day work. Yet without taking the time to understand the full potential of your new system, you’ll never enjoy the full benefit of it. Appointing an EU representative for GDPR Article 27 isn’t quite the same as buying a piece of tech, but that issue of realising potential feels very similar.

You could appoint a GDPR rep to ensure a sort of ‘bare minimum’ level of compliance with EU data protection laws. Or you could appoint a GDPR rep and take advantage of everything they offer to ensure that, in addition to full compliance, you reduce risk, reduce stress and reduce the time required to achieve them.

Understanding GDPR services

GDPR services encompass a range of solutions and strategies designed to help businesses navigate the complex landscape of data protection. Your EU GDPR representative will help tailor your approach to compliance so it meets the needs of your organisation.

EU GDPR representative services – what’s included?
  • Data audit and assessment:
    You can’t protect your consumers’ data unless you know what data you hold and understand what protection measures are already in place. Your GDPR rep will help you complete a comprehensive data audit to identify and classify personal data, evaluate existing data protection practices, and identify potential risks. Audit and assessment is critical to creating a solid foundation for compliance efforts, while ongoing audits can help ensure your measures remain suitable for an evolving data landscape.

  • Privacy policies and procedures:
    With the audit determining your current ‘state of play’, the next step is to fill the gaps the audit identifies. Your EU GDPR rep will help you develop and implement clear, concise privacy policies and procedures that align with key areas such as data collection, processing, storage, retention, and data subject rights.

  • Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs):
    If your organisation processes data that may present a high risk to individuals’ rights and freedoms (e.g. you process sensitive, highly personal or large-scale data, among numerous other criteria), you’ll need to conduct DPIAs. Your EU GDPR consultant can help you conduct these assessments and offer recommendations to mitigate identified risks.

  • Employee training and awareness:
    Data protection within any organisation is more successful when everyone understands the goal and rules. Educating employees on data protection principles and best practices is crucial to ensure the proper handling of personal data. Your GDPR services could include training programmes to help employees understand their responsibilities and empower them to make informed decisions when handling data.

  • Incident response and breach management:
    Despite best efforts, data breaches can still occur. If a breach occurred in your business today, how prepared would you be to deal with it? Your GDPR rep will help you develop incident response plans, which outline steps to be taken in the event of a data breach. They will also guide you in adhering to mandatory breach notification requirements.
    Data breaches can be extremely stressful moments for any business. Your EU GDPR representative can help reduce the heat and help you work through the issues in an ordered, compliant way.

  • Preparing for change:
    Laws evolve. In an area of law as relatively new as data protection, that change is happening quickly. Your GDPR rep can make you aware of the changes coming down the track, so you can prepare for them, implement them, and never be caught out by them.

GDPR services – the benefits
  • Expertise on tap:
    Few but the largest organisations have data protection expertise in house. You GDPR EU representative gives your business the expertise it needs when it needs it.
  • Save time:
    With a specialist on tap, you don’t have to spend time getting to grips with the complexities of data protection law. Your representative for GDPR can cut to the chase, helping you understand and apply the relevant law to the issue at hand. That leaves you free to focus on your core operations.
  • Mitigate risk:
    Non-compliance with the GDPR can result in severe penalties, including substantial fines. By utilising GDPR services, you can mitigate the risk of non-compliance.
  • Avoid error:
    With a GDPR rep on your team, you know the measures you’re applying are the right ones. Without an expert, the danger is that you follow an inappropriate strategy that may still leave you open to challenge.
  • Reduce stress:
    With an expert EU GDPR consultant in your corner, you take the worry out of every aspect of GDPR compliance, from choosing the right compliance strategies to handling a data breach.
Appoint your EU GDPR representative

The central aim of appointing a GDPR rep is compliance with the EU GDPR. Yet beyond that core compliance, GDPR services offer a wealth of time, risk and stress reduction opportunities.

So if you need to appoint an EU representative for GDPR Article 27, remember to look beyond the immediate issue of compliance and ask what else your rep can deliver for you.

Find the right EU GDPR consultant for you now, get data protection advice or, for questions about your next steps, call us on +44 1772 217800.

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Hope you find this useful. If you need an EU Rep, have any GDPR questions, or have received a SAR or Regulator request and need help then please contact us anytime. We are always happy to help...
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