
4 min read

Writen by Zlatko Delev

Posted on: January 26, 2023

GDPR Local

Consultancy Panel

Data Protection Consultant? Join The GDPR Local Panel

UK GDPR representative? EU rep? SOC2 guru? Wherever you are in the world, if you know data protection inside out, GDPR Local’s Zlatko Delev has an invitation for you.

When you look cross-industry, data protection is a spectrum. At one end are the organisations who have virtually everything boxed off. They might even have someone in house to manage it all. It’s just that, sometimes, a query arises when that person is away, or there’s an issue that needs some additional resource to resolve.

At the other end of the spectrum are the organisations who haven’t really tackled the data in their business yet. Often, these are companies that have gone from zero to global incredibly quickly and now need their compliance standards to catch up fast.

The challenge for those organisations is that data compliance is a moving target, with different standards in play in different territories. No one person is going to be an expert in all of it.

We brought together our Consultancy Panel to meet the needs of every type of organisation. 

Introducing the GDPR Local Consultancy Panel

The GDPR Local Consultancy Panel brings together data protection consultants from across the globe. Article 27 EU/UK representatives. Data protection officers. ISO27001 experts. IAPP members. You (I hope).

They’re people who can help with a one-off gap analysis or put in place a failsafe system for consents. They might act as a client’s GDPR Article 27 UK representative, or be their EU rep. They might be involved in building compliance from the ground up, roadmapping the journey and guiding the client through a tailored readiness programme.

And that’s where you come in.

Discover more about the GDPR Local Consultancy Panel

How to join the Consultancy Panel

We’re currently building our global network of data protection consultants. Our clients need experience as well as expertise, so you’ll need to have a successful track record in your arena. We’d also prefer you to have IAPP or similar membership.

Beyond that, you’ll need something every GDPR Local consultant has: the ability to solve problems in a tailored, client-centric way.

If that’s you, we’d love to hear from you. 

You can get in touch here

Once verified, you’ll join our Consultancy Panel from which clients can book you…

  • For occasional queries, tasks and one-off GDPR advice
  • As their GDPR Article 27 EU representative (or UK rep); or
  • As their dedicated consultant as part of our Compliance Hub service. You’ll then be their go-to source of ongoing support

Why join the GDPR Local Consultancy Panel?

Because every data compliance specialist needs connecting with the people who need their expertise. You might already have a thriving network. But if you would welcome an additional source of exciting opportunities, the Consultancy Panel is a simple way to find them.

Talk to Zlatko

Want to know more? I’d love to discuss it with you. Please get in touch here.

Contact Us

Hope you find this useful. If you need an EU Rep, have any GDPR questions, or have received a SAR or Regulator request and need help then please contact us anytime. We are always happy to help...
GDPR Local team.

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