
1 min read

Writen by Marin Milenkoski

Posted on: May 31, 2022

Accountability Tracker

As your Article 27 Representative we will always help if you receive a SAR, RTE, or other data protection complaint. It is always best to avoid these all together but most companies will receive GDPR requests at some point.  Disgruntled ex-employees, annoyed customers, malicious compensation-scammers are common sources of SARs and unfortunately these can result in Regulator investigations. We definitely want to avoid these!

Due-diligence and ongoing compliance management is key here, we strongly recommend that you review your data protection provision regularly, at least annually. We can help here, you contact us to arrange a review.  You can also use the ICO Accountability tools, the Accountability Checklist is an online questionnaire that helps you review your current setup:

You can also use the Accountability Framework – more info here: – this is a comprehensive review tool to help you consider all aspects of data protection.  We use this Framework with our DPO customers.

Hope this helps.  You can arrange a call to discuss anytime, we are happy to help.  Use this link to book any slot:

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Hope you find this useful. If you need an EU Rep, have any GDPR questions, or have received a SAR or Regulator request and need help then please contact us anytime. We are always happy to help...
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