Unlock AI Compliance: Master the new EU AI Act with our comprehensive guide.

Action required: Ensure compliance with UK Data Transfer Mechanism

In 2022, the UK government introduced new mechanisms for transferring personal data outside the country. Previously, companies relied on EU Standard Contractual Clauses (EU SCCs) for data transfers. However, post-Brexit, the UK introduced its own alternatives:  The International Data Transfer Agreement (“IDTA”) – A equivalent of the EU SCCs for international data transfers for international […]

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A Comprehensive Guide to GDPR Compliance for UK Businesses

man and woman working, gdpr

Today, businesses across all industries are increasingly dependent on the collection, processing, and storage of personal data. With the growing concerns surrounding data privacy and security, it has become crucial for businesses to comply with regulations that ensure the protection of individuals’ personal information. The European Union (EU) introduced the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) […]

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Understanding GDPR in Employment Records Management

reading document, laptop, gdpr, contract

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has recently released important guidance on a topic that tends to be overlooked: managing employment records and ensuring data protection compliance. This guidance outlines what employers must, should, and could do in this regard. It’s common for many companies to underestimate the significance of properly managing employment records, but it’s […]

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A 2023 Recap on the GDPR Landscape in the UK

The implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018 marked a significant shift in data privacy regulations worldwide. While the UK had left the European Union by the time the GDPR came into effect, it retained the regulation as part of its domestic law. In 2023, the UK’s data privacy landscape has seen […]

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The Value of GDPR Consultancy Services for UK Business

You could think of GDPR compliance as something that needs doing purely to avoid a fine. Or you could use it to help prepare your business for continual change and the growing impact of new technologies. Our team explains why the latter is the better option for UK businesses – and why your EU GDPR […]

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Mastering GDPR Article 27: A Guide for UK Business

If your business trades with EU customers, the chances are that you need to comply with GDPR Article 27. But why is that? And what does ‘compliance’ involve? You probably don’t spend a great deal of time (if any) learning UK law section by section, so it’s perhaps even less likely that you’re going to […]

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Anforderungen an die Implementierung und Entwicklung eines geeigneten Grundsatzdokuments (APD) für die Einhaltung des britischen Datenschutzes

Die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung verpflichtet Unternehmen, die besondere Datenkategorien und Daten über Straftaten verarbeiten, diese Daten stets zu schützen und die Rechte der betroffenen Personen zu achten. Es gibt eine wenig bekannte Anforderung, die im Datenschutzgesetz missachtet wird, das von Unternehmen verlangt, ein sehr spezifisches Dokument auszufüllen, um die Einhaltung dieser Anforderungen nachzuweisen. Die Nichteinhaltung [...]

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Verabschiedung des UK-Datenschutzgesetzes

Das neue Datenschutzgesetz des Vereinigten Königreichs - Wo stehen wir? Der Gesetzesentwurf zum Datenschutz und zur digitalen Information (Nr. 2) bahnt sich derzeit seinen Weg durch das Parlament. Der Gründer von GDPR Local, Adam Brogden, untersucht, was dieser Prozess beinhaltet. Am neuen britischen Datenschutzgesetz (so der informelle Name) gibt es eine Menge zu mögen. [...]

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Strafregisterdaten und Sie: Was Sie wissen müssen Ihr Unternehmen verarbeitet möglicherweise mehr Daten aus dem Strafregister, als Sie zunächst vermuten. Wenn Ihr Unternehmen zum Beispiel Überprüfungen zur Terrorismusbekämpfung, zur Geldwäschebekämpfung oder zum Schutz von Kindern durchführt, speichern oder verarbeiten Sie möglicherweise Strafregisterdaten. Das bedeutet, dass Sie [...]

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Was ist eine Verletzung des Schutzes personenbezogener Daten?

Many companies don’t take data privacy protection seriously until a data breach occurs.A data breach is the worst nightmare that can happen to a company.If you’ve ever faced a data breach, you will understand the difficulties that you might face without a robust protection. ICO thoroughly explains what a personal data breach is and how […]

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