GDPR Regulations for CCTV , Photography and Video equipment and drones.

CCTV In general, CCTV is directed at viewing and/or recording the activities of individuals. Therefore, most uses of CCTV by organisations or businesses will be covered by the DPA. The ICO has also issued a code of practice that provides recommendations on the use of CCTV systems to help organisations comply with the DPA. CCTV […]

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Transferring personal data by USB device

USB devices offer a convenient way to transfer data between two computers. However, their small physical size and large data capacity means that large volumes of personal data can be lost or stolen with relative ease. Furthermore, if personal data is not securely wiped from USB devices prior to reuse there is a possibility that […]

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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el GDPR y el PECR?

Data protection and marketing are so closely interconnected that no marketing plan involving data can move forward without getting data protection right. GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation – and PECR – Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations – are regulations concerning data protection that marketers must familiarise themselves with. The two regulations are complementary, indeed […]

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Principle (c): Data minimisation

What is the data minimisation principle? Article 5(1)(c) says: “1. Personal data shall be: (c) adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed (data minimisation)” So you should identify the minimum amount of personal data you need to fulfil your purpose. You should hold that […]

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Tratamiento de datos de menores

De acuerdo con el RGPD, los niños merecen una protección específica en lo que respecta a sus datos personales, ya que pueden ser menos conscientes de los riesgos, las consecuencias y las salvaguardias, así como de sus derechos en relación con el tratamiento de datos personales. Definición con arreglo al RGPD Toda información facilitada a un niño, o proporcionada en comunicación con él, debe ser [...]

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EU Commission’s approval of the UK’s adequacy

The EU Commission has announced on 28.06.2021 that adequacy decisions for the UK have been approved. This means the EU has determined the UK’s data protection laws to be robust enough to ensure data can safely flow to the UK from the EU (and EEA). Approved adequacy means that businesses can continue to receive data […]

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EU Releases New Standard Contractual Clauses for Cross-Border Data Transfers

The European Commission published two sets of new standard contractual clauses (SCCs) governing cross-border data transfers and data exchanges between controllers and processors (i.e., service providers), marking the first updates to SCCs in more than a decade. The long-awaited new SCCs reflect evolved data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as […]

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The GDPR: Understanding the 6 data protection principles

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) outlines six data protection principles that summarise its many requirements. These are an essential resources for those trying to understanding how to achieve compliance. Indeed, small organisations, which often lack the resources to appoint data protection experts to guide them through compliance, may find them particularly useful. We take a look […]

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Los intereses legítimos de un vistazo

¿Qué es el "interés legítimo"? El artículo 6, apartado 1, letra f), le da una base jurídica para el tratamiento cuando: "el tratamiento sea necesario para la satisfacción de intereses legítimos perseguidos por el responsable del tratamiento o por un tercero, salvo cuando prevalezcan sobre dichos intereses intereses intereses el interés o los derechos y libertades fundamentales del interesado que requieran [...]

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¿Qué significa el GDPR para las empresas con sede fuera de la UE?

The implications for companies based outside the EU are exactly the same as those for EU countries, if they process personal data from the EU. That’s because GDPR applies to the personal data of people based in the EU. If you want to process it, e.g. to sell to customers in the EU, you have […]

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