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Seguimiento de la rendición de cuentas

As your Article 27 Representative we will always help if you receive a SAR, RTE, or other data protection complaint. It is always best to avoid these all together but most companies will receive GDPR requests at some point.  Disgruntled ex-employees, annoyed customers, malicious compensation-scammers are common sources of SARs and unfortunately these can result […]

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Derecho a la supresión y cómo gestionarlo

Summary: The Right to Be Forgotten is one of the fundamental rights defined in GDPR.  Also known as a Right to Erasure this principle defined in Article 17. It is vital that companies recognize these requests and understand how to deal with them. Most importantly the Right to Erasure is not an absolute right and […]

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Términos clave del GDPR que debe conocer


El Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD) es un texto legislativo increíblemente extenso. Leerlo y comprenderlo puede llevar horas y horas de estudio. Sin embargo, entender el GDPR en su totalidad es vital para evitar violaciones de datos y cuantiosas multas. Es posible que a menudo vea palabras como tratamiento o solicitudes de acceso de sujetos [...]

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