Seguimiento de la rendición de cuentas

As your Article 27 Representative we will always help if you receive a SAR, RTE, or other data protection complaint. It is always best to avoid these all together but most companies will receive GDPR requests at some point.  Disgruntled ex-employees, annoyed customers, malicious compensation-scammers are common sources of SARs and unfortunately these can result […]

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Cómo tramitar una solicitud de acceso

We have said this previously but we are still seeing a huge number of Subject Access Requests [SARs]. A SAR is a request made by or on behalf of the data subjects which grants the right to obtain a copy of all the personal data that an organization has collected about them. These are pretty […]

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5 Facts about Data Protection  

Data protection is one of the most important topics of discussion in this expanding digital world . A lot of people and companies are not aware of what this means, and they would need to gain additional knowledge in order to understand the true meaning of this . Here are some facts about Data privacy […]

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No borre datos para evitar sar

Documentos GDPR

Cómo responder a una SAR. Si recibe una Solicitud de Acceso del Sujeto, debe responder de forma rápida y completa. Algunos SAR son muy molestos. Si utiliza cámaras de vídeovigilancia o graba llamadas telefónicas, un RAS puede suponer un gran esfuerzo, pero haga lo que haga no caiga en la tentación de borrar estos datos sólo para [...].

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