Have you received a subject access request?

gdpr help

HAVE YOU RECEIVED A SAR? ACT NOW! If you have received a Subject Access Request or other GDPR Complaint you need to take action now. GDPR regulations are strict and have defined time limits for responses. Failure to respond could result in an ICO investigation, fines, or even legal action. SARs can be issued to […]

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Download free GDPR documents here

data storage

LOOKING FOR FREE GDPR DOCUMENTS? If you need to complete your GDPR but not sure what you need to do and need advice or just want free templates you’ve come to the right place. Simply create a free account and then logon to download plans, templates, information, and more. Wan to discuss? Call us anytime […]

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EU representative – act now!!

EU representative

If you provide products and services to EU  citizens, you will invariably process personal data about those people. If this is the case, you need to ensure you have appointed an EU  Representative. This is a strict requirement under the GDPR- refer to Article 27 for more information. You should choose carefully and ensure that […]

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Advice on use of video conferencing and GDPR

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ICO ADVICE ON THE USE OF VIDEO CONFERENCING Many companies have started using video conferencing to communicate with their employees, clients, and partners. This has become pretty normal and now key to their operation. The ICO has issued some very useful advice on how to stay safe.  If you are an employer, you should review […]

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Cyber security and working at home

cyber security

Cyber Security – Staff Safety When Working at Home. Looks like many people are going to be working at home for a while until we get over this terrible situation. This subject might not be top of your list but don’t forget cyber security for you and your staff who are also working remotely. Cyber […]

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