Understanding GDPR in Employment Records Management

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The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has recently released important guidance on a topic that tends to be overlooked: managing employment records and ensuring data protection compliance. This guidance outlines what employers must, should, and could do in this regard. It’s common for many companies to underestimate the significance of properly managing employment records, but it’s […]

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Can I collect data about whether my employees are vaccinated against COVID-19?

Before you decide to collect your employees vaccination status, you should be clear about what you are trying to achieve and how recording staff vaccination status will help you to achieve this. Whether your employee has been vaccinated is their private health information and is therefore special category data. Your use of this data must […]

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Be GDPR compliant while working from home 

As we all know,  Covid 19 had a huge impact on many businesses last year, and it is still here this year, a lot of the employees are now working from home. Plenty of companies are planning to continue this, even after the pandemic finishes, so there are certain situations/risks  where you need to take care […]

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Have you received a subject access request?

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HAVE YOU RECEIVED A SAR? ACT NOW! If you have received a Subject Access Request or other GDPR Complaint you need to take action now. GDPR regulations are strict and have defined time limits for responses. Failure to respond could result in an ICO investigation, fines, or even legal action. SARs can be issued to […]

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