All that you need to know about lawful basis for processing data

The lawful bases for processing are set out in Article 6 of the UK GDPR. At least one of these must apply whenever you process personal data: Consent: the individual has given clear consent for you to process their personal data for a specific purpose. Contract: the processing is necessary for a contract you have with the […]

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ICO POST: Data sharing code

Very beneficial blog has been shared by Ali Shah, Head of Technology Policy Blog:Building on the data sharing code: our plans for updating our anonymisation guidance. Data is the lifeblood of the digital economy, and the sharing of personal data is key to opening up new opportunities. Data shared in healthcare environments can map out […]

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What is valid consent?

The GDPR sets a high standard for consent, which must be unambiguous and involve a clear affirmative action (an opt-in). It specifically bans pre-ticked opt-in boxes. It also requires distinct (‘granular’) consent options for distinct processing operations. Consent should be separate from other terms and conditions and should not generally be a precondition of signing […]

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5 Facts about Data Protection  

Data protection is one of the most important topics of discussion in this expanding digital world . A lot of people and companies are not aware of what this means, and they would need to gain additional knowledge in order to understand the true meaning of this . Here are some facts about Data privacy […]

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Familiar with PECR( Privacy and electronic communication relations) ? 

New day, new info that could be of very beneficial meaning for you as a company owner/manager/executive position and every employee. Two companies were fined last week with £270,000 for making unlawful marketing calls to numbers registered with the Telephone Preference Service. If your organization sends marketing messages by phone, then you should subscribe to […]

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GDPR compliant cookie policy for your web page

GDPR requires that you have a cookie policy and corresponding cookie banner to alert visitors of this. Following on this find out the checklist provided by the ICO, to check if your are compliant with the GDPR cookie policy. Understanding cookies ☐ We understand what cookies are and what they can be used for. ☐ We know the difference between session cookies and […]

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Are you aware of holding sensitive data ?

Sensitive data is information that must be protected against unauthorized access. Access to sensitive data should be limited through sufficient data security and information security practices designed to prevent unauthorized disclosure and data breaches. Your organization may have to protect sensitive data for ethical or legal requirements, personal privacy, regulatory reasons, trade secrets and other […]

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Can I collect data about whether my employees are vaccinated against COVID-19?

Before you decide to collect your employees vaccination status, you should be clear about what you are trying to achieve and how recording staff vaccination status will help you to achieve this. Whether your employee has been vaccinated is their private health information and is therefore special category data. Your use of this data must […]

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Be GDPR compliant while working from home 

As we all know,  Covid 19 had a huge impact on many businesses last year, and it is still here this year, a lot of the employees are now working from home. Plenty of companies are planning to continue this, even after the pandemic finishes, so there are certain situations/risks  where you need to take care […]

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Be careful with e-mails, texts and even letters by Post

Short but very beneficial post to remind you to be extra careful when you send out emails, text messages, or even if you send letters in the post. You will deal with high number SAR’s even if you sent out a very friendly, quite legitimate email to your customers but forgot to put your usual named contact details. […]

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